Justin Shady frequently writes letters to his student loan provider begging for yet another extension. When he’s not busy doing that, Shady spends his days writing other, more creative work.
His first book—“Heaven, LLC”—was published in 2004 by Image Comics. Since then, he has parodied the comic industry using the very medium to do so (“Bad Ideas”), delved deep into the twisted minds of two geriatric serial killers (“The Roberts”), told the tale of a long-extinct species who didn’t make it onto Noah’s Ark (“Missing the Boat”), and explored the volcano-dwelling lives of two monsters who want nothing more than to be human (“The Lava is a Floor!”).
Last year, the online comic magazine Comic Book Resources named Shady’s all-ages book “Missing the Boat” as one of the Top 100 Comics of 2009. It placed four spots higher than an issue of “Batman” and five spots higher than an issue of “X-Men.” Take that, DC and Marvel!
In 2008, Shady moved from Beertown to Tinseltown for the same thing that everyone comes to Los Angeles for: In-N-Out Burger. He made the 2,000+ mile move with Kathy, Mr. Fabulous and Meatshake. One of those names belongs to his girlfriend. He’s currently working on new comic and book projects, as well as a screenplay and a television pilot.
He’s also dreading his first “real” California earthquake.
Click here to download Justin Shady's resume. Published clips and works available upon request. |